renaming collection; copying collection to a group

1. How do I rename existing collections
2. How to I move or duplicate a collection in my library to a group
  • (Since a lot of your questions seem related, I'd recommend keeping them in a single thread and also making clear if something has -- or hasn't -- worked for you).

    1. I'm not sure if you can change the names of collections online (. If the software (Standalone or Firefox add-on) it's right-click on the Collection --> Rename collection.

    2. You can just drag and drop collections between libraries (including "My Library" and any group). Again, that's not possible online, only in the software.
  • Thanks for your help and advise. All of my questions are related to the following.

    I maintain a database in EndNote approaching 18000 references related to Hawaiian volcanism. I easily exported the database as a text file in the .ris format and successfully imported the entire database into zotero. I would like to place the .ris file on a U.S. Geological Survey public ftp site and, using the "volcanolistserv", invite users who have been unwilling or unable to purchase EndNote to download the file and import it into any open-access bibliographic database. Is there any legal or other objection to directing persons to zotero as software that I have used successfully?
  • no objection whatsoever, no.
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