Style request: Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine

Dear collegues,

I have to format my citation for the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.

In the CSL style editor the closest format is DNA Research (only 20%). I tried to create a new style for this journal but unfortunately I failed.

Please, do you think someone can help me?
I thank you very much for the time that you will take for this project.

here is the guidelines for authors:

In the text the citations must be numbers in exponent:

1. Meier-Ewert K, Matsubayashi K, Benter L. Propranolol: long-term treatment in narcolepsy-cataplexy. Sleep 1985;8:95-104.

9. Vasan RS, Larson MG, Leip EP, et al. Impact of high-normal blood pressure on
the risk of cardiovascular disease. N Engl J Med 2001;345:1291-7.

2. Carskadon MA, Dement WC. Sleep loss in elderly volunteers. Sleep 1985;8:207-21.

3. Guilleminault C, Lugaresi E, eds. Sleep/wake disorders: natural history, epidemiology, and long-term evolution. New York: Raven Press, 1983.

Chapter of a book:
4. Coleman RM, Bliwise DL, Sajben N, et al. Epidemiology of periodic movements during sleep. In: Guilleminault C, Lugaresi E, eds. Sleep/wake disorders: natural history, epidemiology, and long-term evolution. New York: Raven Press, 1983:217-30.

You cannot see but:
- in the bibliography the name of the journal should be in italic and abbreviated.

the structure is:
author, author, author, et al. (if more than 3 authors). Title. Abbreviated journal name in italic year; volume:pages

you can have an original article to see the format here:

Thank you for your help.

  • Hi, 20% is impossible. But if you need a help, can you following instruction on It solves our time. Thanks
  • Thank you for your time LiborA.
    I follow your instructions:

    In the text the citation are numbers in exponent.

    Article formated for Journal of clinical sleep medicine:
    Campbell JL, Pedersen OK. The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies 2007;40:307–332. doi:10.1177/0010414006286542

    The journal name should be complete (not abbreviated) and in italics. Only 3 authors have to be cited, if more than 3 authors are present, firstly 3 should be named followed by comma and then an "et al". The et al is normal (no bold, no italic). The DOI must not appear.

    Chapter of a book formatted:
    Mares, I. Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In: Hall PA, Soskice D, eds. Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. New York: Oxford University Press. 2001:184–213

    There is no bold or italic formating for chapter of a book.

    the ISSN and EIISN are:
    Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
    NLM Title Abbreviation: J Clin Sleep Med
    ISSN:1550-9389 (Print) ; 1550-9397 (Electronic) ; 1550-9389 (Linking)

    link to online style documentation

    link to a freely available paper formatted:

    Let me know if you need something.
    For my part I am definitely not a programmer.
  • Hallo Alex, you wrote: 'The journal name should be complete (not abbreviated) and in italics. Only 3 authors have to be cited, if more than 3 authors are present, firstly 3 should be named followed by comma and then an "et al".' But on the I see: 'For abbreviations of journal names, refer to “List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus."' and 'Provide all authors’ names when fewer than seven; when seven or more, list the first three and add et al.'
  • Oh Thank you; I just checked and you are right.

    I must follow exactly their requirement:

    "Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (JCSM) complies with the reference style given in “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (see International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) online). Each reference should be cited in the text, tables, or figures in consecutive numerical order by means of superscripted Arabic numerals outside periods and commas and inside colons and semicolons. When three or more references are cited at one place in the manuscript, a hyphen should be used to join the first and last numbers of a series; commas should be used without spaces to separate other parts of a multiple-reference citation. The reference section should be included at the end of the text, following the sample formats given below. It is highly recommended that a standard bibliography program such as EndNote or ProCite be used. For EndNote users, the formatting style for JCSM should be used. For abbreviations of journal names, refer to “List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus." Journal names are to be in italic typeface. Provide all authors’ names when fewer than seven; when seven or more, list the first three and add et al. Provide article titles and inclusive pages. Note that JCSM does not include the issue number in its reference style. Accuracy of reference data is the responsibility of the author. We cannot guarantee that citation/reference software will match all JCSM author guidelines. Failure to initially comply with JCSM’s style requirements may result in manuscripts returned to authors for correction and may potentially delay publication."

    Thank you for yout time.
  • O.K. There is the first draft for testing:

    Try it and send me your comments
  • Thank you LiborA,

    I try to open your file .csl but it doesn't work.

    I try with the .csl you have created for this citation style: "Style request: NMJI" and it works well.

    I don't know why my .csl doesn't work. The message is "your .csl is not a valid style file"
  • Sorry, there was missing line. Download it again.
  • This second file works well.

    I checked and this is perfect, the style is correct. Thank you so much.

    So this style can be add to the Zotero Style Repository to help others people I think.
  • Was created pull request to add this style to the repository
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