Time magazine invalid ISSN

This goes with Report ID 92939777, if it helps. I found this error using the Citoid tool in Wikipedia's Visual Editor, and I think Zotero is at the root (or closer to the root) of the problem.

How to reproduce: Open Citoid in Visual Editor and paste in the following URL:


Click Generate. You will see a citation template rendered with an incorrect ISSN for ''Time'' magazine. The ISSN identifier Citoid provides, 0040-718X, is invalid (the real value is 0040-781X, and you can see the red error message in Citoid's rendering of the template), but I see editors enter it on Wikipedia regularly. It looks like this problem may originate in Zotero. The same erroneous ISSN is listed in Zotero when I use the Zotero Firefox plug-in with that Time URL.
  • TL;DR:

    Enter this URL in the Zotero Firefox plug-in:


    See that the ISSN listed for Time magazine is 0040-718X. Time's actual ISSN is 0040-781X.

    Please fix.
  • fixed, thanks. Citoid pulls updates irregularly, so I can't promise when that'll happen on their side; the Zotero translator is live now, you can get it immediately using "Update Now" in the preferences and it'll roll out to all users in the next 24hs.

    FWIW, error IDs aren't necessary (and don't help) for wrong data, only when something actually breaks/doesn't work. They only log error messages.
  • Wow, thanks for the quick fix!
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