Can I export my library with folders as a .ris file?

I'm trying to get the four folders in my library to export with the articles as they appear online. I've synced the program on my machine but the download is one big list of 61 articles, not divided by topical folders I created online.

I can see the articles in their folders on the program on my machine.

Is it possible to download them in their folders? Or to download each folder individually? I tried exporting the Collection but that didn't work.
  • RIS doesn't have a way to store collection info, so no to the first question.

    You're saying that right-click on the collection and "Export collection" fails? Could we get an error report ID for that?

    As a workaround, you can do select all (i.e. ctrl+a) in the middle panel --> right click --> export selected items.

    (and to be clear -- you should be doing this on the locally installed Zotero, not online).
  • I can export the collection so that's the important thing. Thank you! I didn't realize that it couldn't sort via the folders.
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