How to show Archives Location/Archives/ARchive place in citation and bibliography

Hi every one,

I'm a law historic student and im creating a zotero style for my PHD. Im using this style :

I need to show in my citations and bibliography this variables : Archive place, archives location, and archive.

I try to modify the CSL on visual CSL editor but i just failed again and again. Someone can teach me how to do this ?

Thanks a lot

  • Archives location is mapped in CSL variable archive_location
    Archive is mapped in CSL variable archive
    Archive place is not in Zotero yet.

    You have to add to CSL style new lines in bibliography and citation section with:

    <text vyriable="archive"/>
    <text variable="archive_place"/>

    You can add parameters for formatting, suffixes and prefixes etc. into this tags. See for more info.
  • Thanks four you quick answer. But where i add it ? Bibliography and citation section are quite long.
  • I am not sure, if you need it in citation section. If we do not know, how have have to look your bibliography, we do not help you exactly. You are a student, I expect, that your University has any Guide for thesis preparation.
  • I mean in the csl files^^. My documents are letters, law, juridical sentence. In the CSL files i see thesis, book interview etc..., i don't know where i have to put the lines you gived me :

    <text variable="archive"/>
    <text variable="archive_place"/>

    And yes i need this information, some stuff are only in achives, and its higly recommended to have all informations about the documents you use.

    Thanks again !
  • You have to add this lines for all types of documents which you use (or for all types of Zotero documents).
    Which type of document you use in Zotero?

    If your document is not in CSL style, then it is drawn by last part (between <else></else> of section citation or bibliography. And how I see this style you must add these to lines to section citation too.

    Mapping of Zotero types to CSL types you can find here:
  • thank you very mutch, i will try this and tell you the result^^
  • General guidelines for editing CSL:

    You might find the visual editor helpful:

    Generally, you would put the lines LiborA gave you in the spot of the citation/bibliography sections of the style where you want them to render (elements tense in the order presented). Try it out and we can help with specific questions/problems.
  • Okaaayyy i succed in my work, but some details needs to be fix. First of all, when i use zotero on word, the title come between "" and is not italic like the others citation. Second the date have to be just after the title.

    How i can do that ?

    Thanks a lot anyway !
  • People would want to see your style (copy to, create a public gist and link from here; when using the visual editor, copy from the "Code Editor")
  • Here it is !
  • Hi, me again, i succeed in my attempt to made a style as i like. But i try to do the same thing with the variable manuscript. As you understand this dont works at all... i dont know why, its exactli the same scripts of letter but dat dont works at all. Any Idea of what is wrong in my code? here its the scripts :

    Thanks again !
  • Which part do you mean? The style prints archive and archive locations for manuscripts for me. If you want to change the formatting of the title, you need to do so in the title macro.
  • Hee ? really ? he dont works for me...
  • My guess would be that you don't have an updated copy of your style active (maybe try in a new document), but there are a range of options. Your style is fine.
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