Import from Bibtex with notes formatted in HTML

I am trying to migrate my library from CiteULike to Zotero using a Bibtex file. Especially, I would like my notes to be properly formatted in HTML. For instance, in CiteULike, "*" means "unordered bullet point". So I am trying to replace these by HTML marks in the Bibtex "annote" field (see example below). However, these marks are not interpreted as HTML by Zotero during import. Does anyone know of a solution?

Fake example of a reference to be imported into Zotero:
author = "Darwin, Charles",
abstract = "This is a dummy abstract.",
number = "5",
month = "May",
citeulike-article-id = "1527635",
year = "1859",
keywords = "biology, evolution",
title = "Origin of species",
pages = "821--835",
priority = "0",
pmid = "7635243",
journal = "Journal of Biology",
volume = "90",
annote = "
<li>natural selection</li>
<li>origin of species</li>
day = "4",
url = "http://jbiol/darwin1859",
  • edited April 10, 2016
    Do not use bibtex but ris format. Note can be described as this:

    N1 - <p>this is note with bullets</p>
    <li>first bullet</li>
    <li>second bullet</li>
    <p>and any text on the end.</p>
  • Great, thanks!
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