Paragraph Style for Bibliography in Word - keeps reformatting


I'm getting started working with Zotero and the Microsoft Word plugin.

In the document I'm writing (conference paper), there is a "style" that the conference organizers designated as being specifically for the bibliography (hanging indentation, etc.) called "References".

The Zotero plugin inserted the bibliography, and then I applied the style, and up to this point everything was going well. But every time I make a change to the references, the style of the bibliography resets to another style (in fact a style that's not even on the "styles" list of the document).

I managed to find a workaround - I saw that the field was bringing its own style called "Bibliography". I used the feature that duplicates one style to another, essentially "copying" the "Reference" style onto the "Bibliography" style, but I'm still not 100% satisfied. How can I set the Zotero bibliography to take another style when I refresh it?

  • Hallo,

    I am not sure if you fully understand how Zotero works. For first, try to find the style on, which is fully compatible with requirements of your publisher. Then add this style into the Zotero. In the next step change Document preference to correct style in MS Word Zotero plugin.
  • Sorry I was not fully clear.

    I am not referring to the citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) but rather the Microsoft Word "Style". The latter is a collection of formatting (of the text and/or paragraph) that can be applied to written text. The "Heading 1", "Heading 2", "Body" etc. are all styles that can be used to modify and then bulk edit the formatting of different blocks of text.

    In my case, the bibliography was in the correct citation style but the wrong Microsoft word style.

    Is this clearer?
  • Sorry for my understanding. Try this:

    create an empty paragraph, change its (MS) style. Insert (Zotero) bibliography in this paragraph. This works for me. If you change (MS) style after you insert bibliography then the change of bibliography leads to changing of formatting.

    Or change (MS) style as the last step before submitting your work.
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