Import from Embase, cannot choose Complete Reference

I have searched Embase and wish to import files to Zotero via Firefox. I choose RIS format and Complete Reference but get only one file and not all individual files to be seen in Zotero. How to solve?
I have reset translators but that didnt help. I updated the Pdf tools, that didnt help either.
How do I expand the list to individual files to work with?
  • edited March 29, 2016
    What facility do you use to search Embase (directly from the Elsevier site or from some other search access)?

    I don't have Embase access now so I'm providing suggestions and questions from memory.

    Please describe how you viewed and selected records to download to Zotero. As there isn't a direct Zotero translator and you are using the RIS export, did you select multiple records click through to another screen with only your selected records?

    As I remember the RIS exported from Embase was not quite standard. If you save the exported RIS file instead of using Zotero's automatic RIS function, please open the file in a text editor (not a word processor). Do you see only one record or a long listing of many records?

    The answers to these questions will help with providing the information you need to solve your problem.

    The important question, "Does Embase downloat all of your requested records or only one of them?" must be answered before further advice will be useful.
  • I don't have access to Scopus but I understand that all Embase records are included in Scopus. If you have access to Scopus, you can use that. There is a working Zotero translator for Scopus.
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