[citeproc-bug] Format error with disambiguated in-line cites


I set-up my in-line citations to disambiguate by year, such that they are displayed as follows:

(Khan et al. 1980; Lance et al. 1985; Thorbjarnarson 1993a,b; Hekkala et al. 2011)

Unfortunately, the cite immediately before the disambiguated citation seems to not want to follow the command and this is what I get:

(Khan et al. 1980; Lance et al. 1985,Thorbjarnarson 1993a,b; Hekkala et al. 2011)

Here is the relevant code:

<macro name="year-date">
<if variable="issued">
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="year"/>
<text variable="year-suffix" font-style="normal"/>
<text term="no date" form="short"/>

<citation et-al-min="3" et-al-use-first="1" disambiguate-add-year-suffix="true" collapse="year-suffix" year-suffix-delimiter="," disambiguate-add-givenname="true" givenname-disambiguation-rule="by-cite">
<key macro="year-date"/>
<key macro="author-short"/>
<layout delimiter="; " prefix="(" suffix=")">
<group delimiter=":">
<group delimiter=" ">
<text macro="author-short"/>
<text macro="year-date"/>
<text variable="locator"/>

  • looks like you mistyped something. Your "this is what I get" is the same as the "this is what I want" (which would be great, but I gather isn't actually the case).
  • Nope - they are different. Here it is again:

    What I want: (Khan et al. 1980; Lance et al. 1985; Thorbjarnarson 1993a,b; Hekkala et al. 2011)

    What I get: (Khan et al. 1980; Lance et al. 1985,Thorbjarnarson 1993a,b; Hekkala et al. 2011)

    The difference is in the Lance et al. 1985 citation, which in the former is followed by a "; " and in the latter is followed by a ","
  • Ah yes. That looks like a bug. Could you add [citeproc-bug] to the title of this thread by modifying your first post?

    @Frank: validating copy of the style is here:
    Problem is that the style always turns the delimiter before a cite collapsed by year suffix into a comma. See the above example, but I was able to replicate that with random data. Let me know if you need anything else.

    (@tersiphone -- you always want to validate when something isn't working to make sure the problem isn't your code)
  • Thanks Adam. Here is a slightly updated version of the style (which still has this problem):

  • Confirmed. I'll take a look.
  • Found the problem in the code. There are some other changes to the processor queued up, so it may be a few days before the fix is released.
  • Thanks @Frank. Once the fix is released is there anything that I need to do to see the change as part of either a desktop (Zotero or Mendeley) or web client (e.g., update the client)? Or is it automatic?
  • Processor updates are more frequent than Zotero releases, so when a processor release is ready, I put up a "patch plugin" that users affected by a bug can install immediately (to be removed after the new processor appears in a Zotero release). I'll post a link back to this thread when the update goes up.
  • Thanks. Any idea how this may be incorporated into Mendeley?
  • For Mendeley we don't know, you'd have to ask them. For the visual editor hosted at editor.citationstyles.org, that kind of happens when I get to it. For the one at Mendeley, again, I don't know.
  • I can send a note to the Mendeley team when the update is ready.
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