Style Error: [Conservation Biology]

While the in-text citation form is correct, the reference list is wrong formatted. Here I report the Journal request:

Literature Cited section
Provide the full names of all journal titles. Do not italicize titles.

If there are more than 10 authors, use et al. (Howard G, et al.) instead of listing the names of all authors.

Example Citations

Journal articles:
Christensen ND, Eu J, Hebbble W. 2003. Ecology of cranberry bogs: a case study. Ecology 59:1147–1167, 1178–1187.

Reed, FM. 2001. Title of paper. Journal 13(supplement 1):172–180.

Edited books: Cran B, Boy C, Shi L. 1911. Native forest birds of Guam. Pages 4–8 in Wu T, Lee L, editors. Flora and fauna of Guam. 2nd edition. Tell Books, Sydney.

Reports: Barnes J, Craig S. 2003. Conservation status of riparian areas in southeastern Oregon. General technical report N-24. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, Oregon.

Online journals:
No digital object identifier (DOI): Sandringham J, Perry M. 2006. Effects of urbanization of agricultural land on an endemic moth, rosemary pink. Ecology and Society 3: http://EcologySociety . . . . /art5.

Has DOI: Hunstanton V. 2008. Effects of deep-sea injection of carbon dioxide. PLOS Biology (e18776) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001222.

No access dates are needed for citations of online journals.
  • Can you list the things which are wrong to the current implementation?
  • This is how the format for Conservation Biology is at the moment as Zotero style:

    Mari, V., S. Martini, C. Romeo, A. Molinari, A. Martinoli, G. Tosi, and L. Wauters. 2008. Record litter size in the Eurasian Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris). Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 19:12-18. Available from (accessed August 26, 2014).

    Here the things that are wrong:
    -There should not be a coma between the last name and the first name initial of the authors.
    -No point after the first name initial.
    -The order should always be: last name followed by the initial of the first name both for the first author and the others.
    -The last author name should not be preceded by "and".
    -They require the web address for the papers cited if it is only an on-line journal.

    Thank you for the prompt reply.
  • Okay, I will try to fix the formatting of the authors in the bibliography.

    For the last point: Can you check your Zotero preferences->Cite->Styles->Citation options: Include URLs of paper articles in references should be deactivated.
  • The fix for the authors is accepted and will be distributed shortly. Your style should update automatically.
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