Zotfile - Dropbox - Zotero

For five years now (ever since I started my Ph.D. course) I've been searching for the "right" reference and citation manager for me. Since nobody is perfect and I haven't been able to find "the one," I've relied on Dropbox to hold all of my PDFs (a Dissertation Readings folder further subdivided by theme) and use separate citation managers when I write papers. As I write my dissertation, this is no longer sustainable, and I have decided to give Zotero another try.

I followed the instructions here to install the Zotfile plugin and point to my Dropbox Dissertation Readings directory, since this seemed like the safest way to not corrupt any files or my Zotero database [I'm using the desktop standalone version of Zotero on a networked Windows 7 PC), but plan to also be using it on my home laptop (Win10)]: http://guides.library.harvard.edu/zotero/advanced/storage

I've pointed to this path as 1) the Base directory via Zotero preferences AND 2) the Custom source folder and 3) Custom Location of files via Zotfile preferences: C:\Users\myname\Dropbox\2014 Dissertation\Readings\Zotero

I want to import the PDF files currently existing in my Dropbox dissertation readings folder into Zotero, but this is not happening automatically. I've tried dropping new PDFs into this new Dropbox Zotero folder. Sometimes they appear in my library with the option to rename, but that has only happened twice out of 5+ tries.

I assume the other option is to manually drag all of my PDFs from my Dropbox folder directly into the Zotero desktop client...but will that lead to duplication of these files in my Dropbox? Is there any way to have Zotfile/Zotero automatically "read-in" the PDFs (both file names and the actual files as attachments)? I've spent a few hours trying to figure this out and also have read many previous posts, but can't solve this rather basic challenge.

Thanks in advance for any guidance!
  • The Zotfile watch function doesn't work the way you might think it does; it only allows you to add the most-recently added file to a Zotero item.

    I'd suggest referring to this page on how to add PDF files manually:

    In particular: for files that are already where you want them to be, Ctrl+Shift+drag drag them from the Dropbox folder, so that a link in Zotero is made to the file (and so there is no redundant copy).

    Then try to add future PDFs via Zotero with your storage directory set to that directory or using Zotfile to move/rename the files, as you prefer.
  • Thank you for your quick reply to this.

    I've moved the files into Zotero using Ctrl+Shift+drag, which worked...but is there a way to rename all of the files using Zotfile? (Actually, I can't even figure out how to rename them individually using Zotfile once they're already in my Zotero library.)

    My plan is to put all future PDFs into my C:\Users\myname\Dropbox\2014 Dissertation\Readings\Zotero folder -- will Zotfile take care of the rest? I'm still unclear as to what is getting moved where by Zotfile, but maybe that isn't important....
  • but is there a way to rename all of the files using Zotfile?
    I don't understand exactly what you're after. I thought you wanted to use your existing PDFs that were already well-organized in your Dropbox folder. If that is not the case, I'm not sure why you wished to use that folder "as-is".

    In any case...After you have the PDFs in Zotero, you'll still want to retrieve the article metadata.

    Either Zotero or Zotfile should then be able to rename the item.
    My plan is to put all future PDFs into my C:\Users\myname\Dropbox\2014 Dissertation\Readings\Zotero folder -- will Zotfile take care of the rest?
    No. You will still have to add the files manually to Zotero.
    I'm still unclear as to what is getting moved where by Zotfile, but maybe that isn't important....
    When you added links to the files, nothing is moved.
    If you add stored copies of files, then a duplicate copy would be made in your storage directory.

    If either a stored copy or a link is then renamed, it should be very clear what the new name is.
  • Thanks again for your reply.

    Now that you mention it, I don't have to use my Dropbox folder "as is"--although I've tried, it's not organized all that well. The main objective was to continue to store all my PDFs in Dropbox (I have a lot of extra storage there) and without duplication. Do you have a better suggestion for organizing my PDFs, perhaps one that wouldn't require "linking" the files?

    Also, is there a difference between using Zotero and Zotfile for renaming the incoming PDFs?

    Thanks again!
  • It sounds to me like the above would work for you then. You just need to remember to add PDFs to/through Zotero, rather than dumping PDFs in that directory.

    For much more info, you can refer, e.g. to https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/29322/howto-linked-attachments-dropbox-zotero-40/

    But, in short: Zotero uses either its own storage directory as copies of folder or creates links to them:
    If you are unhappy with the way things are organized in dropbox and are relying on it (rather than Zotero file storage or WebDAV) for file syncing, it likely makes little difference on which you choose.

    So: Is there a reason that you inquire about a method that doesn't require linking?

    (Italicized because this answers your direct question, but I don't think this is really what you want to do)
    If you want to used stored copies, you'd make zotero's storage directory a symlink to a folder within dropbox (referring to instruction in the discussion I link to at the top of this comment). It is likely easiest to just designate a new directory on dropbox for this and import all of the current pdfs. This would create duplicates, but you can remove the legacy directory when you've satisfied yourself that you have imported everything and that you know how to implement a naming scheme that you want.

    But, once again: I don't see the downside of linking for you & it sounded like you were on the right track to do that. You may still want to make those links into a fresh directory & dispose of the old directory at a later point.

    Zotfile provides more options for renaming schemes & makes it a bit easier to batch rename multiple files/etc.
  • Sorry to reply to this so late. I'm now working on a different computer and have installed Zotero and Zotfile (pointing to an empty folder named Zotero in my Dropbox) but am still struggling to get my hundreds of PDF files into Zotero properly.

    I now know I can either drag the PDF directly into Zotero (this puts a copy in that Zotero folder in Dropbox?) or CTRL+Shift+drag (which creates a link). Now, I'm under the impression think I need to right-click and go down to Manage Attachments > Rename Attachments to get it properly set up through Zotfile -- I'm not sure if this is just for renaming purposes or to actually get it to show up in the Zotero folder in Dropbox.

    In any case, for both the PDF I dropped into Zotero and the one that's linked, I get an error message saying "Zotfile: Renamed Attachments ... Attachments skipped because they are top-level items, snapshots or the file does not exist."

    If I try to "Locate File" from the same right-click context menu, the actually PDF looks like it's being stored in some weird Zotero storage folder.

    Have I gone wrong somewhere in my settings or in how I'm trying to get all my PDFs into Zotero?

    Thanks in advance!
  • ZotFile moves files according to rules defined by the metadata of the item it's attached to. So for it to do its work, you have to have the PDF as an attachment, e.g. attached to a Zotero item of the type "Journal Article" or "Book" (or any other item type).

    To get there from an PDF, you can either use retrieve metadata:
    or, if that fails, using right-click --> Create Parent item and fill in the information manually.
  • Thanks for the reply. So, just to confirm, I'll have to retrieve metadata information individually...for each of the hundreds of PDFs I have....before I can use Zotfile to organize them in the Zotero folder in Dropbox that I've created. Is my understanding correct?
  • that's correct. ZotFile uses Zotero data to organize files. Without Zotero data, it can't organize them.
  • Thanks for all your help so far.

    So another question about a creating a parent item for PDFs Zotero doesn't recognize. Some of my PDFs are scans of books. Is it possible to input just some of information (e.g., author name or ISBN) and have Zotero seek out the rest of the information from Google Scholar to auto-populate the other fields?
  • not currently, no. You can search for the book (e.g. on the Library of Congress catalog) and then add the PDF to it after importing as an alternative to manual data entry. You'll have to decide what works better for you.
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