note's changes lost... Report ID: 661951389

I think I lost my notes today, I don't know why, I just closed Zotero as normal, shouldn't it automatically saved? it keeps my notes earlier today but lost most of them which iI didn't this afternoon and evening...It's really annoying! Is there anything I can do to recover it? Please let me know as soon as possible!! Thanks...
  • Plus, just found out I lost all of the notes I took yesterday not just part of them... I've restarted my Zotero and laptop, my notes still not there! What can I do then? Will the report ID help?
  • anything unusual about your set-up? Is your data directory in a custom location?

    And there are various notes, not just one, I'm understanding that correctly?

    You can check if they're in an automatic back-up, but since it should be impossible for items to vanish in the first place, I'm not terribly optimistic:
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