Refresh of library results in multiple numbering of citations


As I just wanted to continue working on a manuscript (that has been modified also by other users) I realized that whenever I want to insert a new citation the numbering in the doctument would change but they would appear as double numbering in the bibliography. So that two different references would get number 8 while they are actually number 8 and 9 Resulting in complete different numbering throughout the bibliography.
I am using citation style of scientific reports.

My hypothesis is that the previous citations were somehow saved/embedded? in the document and that zotero does not recognize the citations anymore.

Does someone have an idea how to fix this without the need of re-entering all citations again?

Thank you very much!
  • Problem solved already. Numbers were manually inserted in bibliography. After removing all manual changes, everything is fine and numbering is automatic according to appearance in the document.
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