Report ID:2129415115

Unable to save citations from my university's library search engine (Columbia, CLIO)
  • run through these:
    and if they don't work, provide all the info requested in the last step please
  • Report ID:2129415115

    Translator name: COinS
    when I try to save an item from my university's search engine I get the following message:

    "An error occurred while saving this item. Check Known Translator Issues for more information."

    go into CLIO (Columbia university's online library search engine)
    Type in the search bar "The archaeology of social boundaries"
    then try to save to Zotero with no success.

    I followed the recommended steps but to no success.
    Went through the terminal procedure as well.
    I have the 4.0.28 version of Zotero, so no need to upgrade.
    I expect to be able to save the book's information
  • problem is yet solved. any recommendations?
  • we're looking at this URL?

    or a different one? That one works for me if I try to import the first item.
  • yes, but in general, any item I try to import from this data base doesn't work.
    I always receive the same message:

    "Saving Item…
    The archaeology of social boundaries
    An error occurred while saving this item. Check Known Translator Issues for more information."

    But haven't been able to solve it through the known translator issues.

    the Data base URL is :
  • Sorry, still confused. If I go to and then type "The archaeology of social boundaries" in the search bar and press return, I don't get a Zotero icon on the next screen. Do you? Or do you click through to one of the options? Which? What's the URL that you're seeing when you're actually looking at the search results displayed?
  • no problem, thank you for your quick reply.

    If I go to and then type "The archaeology of social boundaries" in the search bar and press return, I also don't get a Zotero icon on the next screen. But once I click through to one of the options. (the first for example first under 'catalog' a Zotero icon appears. The URL iM seeing is:

    This occurs not only with this book, but with any book I try to cite from this database. Once I go into one of the search results, and the Zotero icon appears, and I try to cite it i always get the same message of:

    "Saving Item…
    The archaeology of social boundaries
    An error occurred while saving this item. Check Known Translator Issues for more information."
  • OK, thanks -- that should work & does for me. Which browser is this?

    @Dan -- could you have a look at the error report 2129415115 ?
  • And you have Standalone open when trying this, correct?
    Other sites still work fine, e.g. ?
  • it works!!!

    I didn't realize that standalone needs to be physically open on my desktop in order for it to work. It seemed to work with other sources but not with books. Does this make sense?

    I apologize for driving you a bit crazy with this issue. It wasn't clear to me (or maybe I misunderstood) that the program actually has to be open while trying this.
  • It's better to have Standalone open in any case. The Safari Connector should also be able to connect to the Zotero server and serve there directly, but that's currently broken.

    @Dan -- are you guys aware of the broken Safari authentication issue? I know this isn't yours, but is it Simon or Faolan?
  • @adamsmith: It's Simon's. Something changed in Safari 9 that breaks this. He's aware of it, but hasn't had time to look into it yet.
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