cit (j - 1) sorteditems.slice (...)(0) is undefined

Hello and thank you for your help. I have seen that this is not a new problem but I followed the instructions for trying to sort out the problem. I can not longer insert footnotes as I get this message every time. There is a help page

I copied the contents of the document into a new word file, but the problem remains. Can anybody advise? thank you very much in advance. Best wishes, Orla Smyth
  • Have you tried the other steps there? In particular trying to isolate a broken citation?

    Also, could you confirm your Zotero version?
  • Hi yes, I did actually finally follow the procedure for isolating the broken citation and it worked! thank you. Actually was a less painful exercise than I thought it would be! thanks
  • Do you have an idea what that citation was? Anything particular about it? Obviously we'd prefer if people didn't encounter this at all.
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