Saving Pubmed articles with Zotero Connector

Since some weeks any time I try to save a new article from pubmed, after a long time with no response I get this error: "an error occurred while saving this item. Check known translator issues for more informations".
In the zotero reports i see:"[JavaScript Error: "No Pubmed Data found - Most likely eutils is temporarily down"]".
the problem is these eutils are temporarily down since late October, and any of my colleagues have had any problem saving from pubmed, nor did I from other sites like wikipedia or Amazon.
Any idea?
  • yeah, eutils is rarely down for more that a couple of hours at a time.
    What's your exact setup? Chrome version, connector version, Zotero version?

    In Zotero (Standalone, presumably) if you put a PMID like 20729678 into the "Add by Identifier" (magic wand) field, does that work?
  • I tried copying the DOI or PMID as adamsmith suggested and it worked! But yet I can't use the connector, my chrome version is 46.0.2490.86 m, I don't know where to see the connector version but i installed it again yesterday from the chrome web store following the zotero link, hoping it would solve my didn't.
    Anyway, my zotero version is, and as far as I remember I shouldn't have messed up with the settings, I used the standard installation at the moment of setting up zotero on my new pc and that's it.
    I hope these few info are in some way useful..thank you
  • OK, that all sound good so far then. Could we get a Debug ID from the Chrome connector that includes such a failed attempt of saving from Pubmed together with the exact URL you're trying this on.

    And also, just to make sure I got that right -- this is pubmed specific, right? Other sites work for you?
  • yes I tried on other sites, and even on pubmed with everything works fine, it seems just like a connector problem, anyway what do I have to check under "debug output Logging"?
  • Anyway i tried with different articles on pubmed, I still have the same problem
  • sorry, was missing the link for debug:

    I'm not sure I understand this:
    "and even on pubmed with everything works fine" what do you mean by "with everything"?
  • ok the ID is D1916686482, I randomly chose this article (
    Sorry, by "with everything" I meant "with everything else", using DOIs or PMIDs (the magic wand) instead of the connector
  • By the way I don't know if it can be relevant, but I am actually working on a windows 10 laptop
  • @Dan -- could you check the debug please?
  • (3)(+0000004): HTTP GET


    (2)(+0020999): Translate: Translation using PubMed failed:
    thrown exception => No Pubmed Data found - Most likely eutils is temporarily down
    paolov, are you able to access this URL?
  • When I click on it I am redirected to this page, where it says "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below." and then comes the document tree..what am I supposed to do with that? I can see in the top-right the zotero connector folder, but i can't interact with it, clicking it nothing happens..Actually I don't know if something is supposed to happen
  • that was just a test -- that's what Zotero is doing internally (and then using that XML to import the data) so we wanted to check if you can get to that site. And just to confirm, when you're trying on you still get the error, yes?

    Do you have any extensions installed in Chrome? Could you try disabling them all for testing?
  • I tried and disabled them all, except for Zotero, and nothing changed, I tried several times, always closing and re-opening again Chrome, making sure that no Chrome process was still on before re-opening the browser, and while the first attempt was a success (I had just Zotero on), after re-enabling one by one all the extensions (I thought the problem was AdBlock) and, since the error remained, disabling all of them again and trying just with Zotero, neither this option was successful anymore! I don't know what changed between now and before , since I disabled everything but Zotero and even removed some extensions!
  • I'm sorry for the delay, but I'm honestly out of ideas here.

    It clearly has something to do with your Chrome install, but I have no insight in what.
  • The Zotero plugin is not able to extract all the data for many of the articles as a result when I insert these citations into a word I get an error "([CSL STYLE ERROR: reference with no printed form"

    Out of 10 articles, I tried today only one worked fine in one trial.

    While writing this post I realized if I open these articles using view online from my standalone Zotero and then save them again using the plugin the complete metadata is downloaded.
  • Look at the Save to Zotero icon before saving -- on pubmed, it should always show either the article item (white page with lines) or the manila folder icon. If it doesn't, reload the page -- that typically fixes things.

    If it doesn't, we'd want you to run through the same troubleshooting as in this thread.
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