Windows Word 2016 (Office 365) Macros won't work

The upgrade to Office 365 for 2016 seems to have broken the use of the Zotero macros. If and zotero.dotm are in the
users\...Microsoft\Word\Startup directory
Word on startup throws this error:
"The function you are attempting to run contains macros or content that requires macro language support. When this software was installed, you (or your administrator) chose not to install support for macros or controls."
Changing values in the Trust Center does not help. In general, it looks like this version does not support macros at all. I made the developer tab visible and tried to create a macro, and this also threw this error.
I share all this in the hope that someone has figured out how to fix this, or if Office 2016 simply does not (currently) support macros and VBA.
Any insight anyone?
  • it sounds like you installed an incomplete version, yes. Generally, Word 2016 installed via Office365 has VB and macro support and works with Zotero. I'm not sure what settings you'd have to check during install for this to not be included--it is included in default installs and we have many people using Zotero in Word 2016 for both Mac and Windows.
  • I've tried both forms of repair for Office 365, local and web based. Problem persists. So if the version is incomplete--which it seems to be--I don't know why.

    I have found others on Technet with this problem with macros and VBA, and I've posted a query on the site. If I get a solution, I'll share it here as well.

    Thanks for your reply, especially the news that others with Word 2016 are not having this problem. And by the way, I'm using the University version of Office 365.
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