Good morning. Let me tell you two sites from which I would need to find bibliographic informations:


Thanks a lot,
  • Zotero works on EBSCO and works reasonably well on that OPAC
  • I'm using this OPAC too (http://webopacups.urbe.it/libero/WebOpac.cls).

    Zotero recognizes some information on it (title, author, publisher, year and [surprisingly!] short-title), but some information is lost in the process. Specially the city and the edition would be necessary (according to our citation style).
    The "Marc XML" of the entries put this info in:
    - city in XML field 260a
    - edition in XML field 250a

    Is it possible to have Zotero find and capture these fields?
  • Zotero doesn't use the Marc -- it uses COinS data on that page. We'd have to write a specific translator for it to find the Marc/MarcXML to download--not high on my priority list, to be honest. They could certainly do some things to improve their COinS. I believe both Place and edition are part of standard COinS vocabulary.
  • (I think) I've found the line where Zotero finds the info in this OPAC (span class='Z3988'...). It has the place and edition fields (and more, also useful, like ISBN and series). Maybe the current translator doesn't put that info because it creates an item with "document" type and not "book".

    I'll try to ask somebody here at the University to write the translator, looking into the examples in https://github.com/zotero/translators and the doc in https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/translators and https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/translators/coding#web_translators .
    Maybe we'll ask for help later.
  • edited November 26, 2015
    yes, they're forcing the document item type with rft.genre=document
    if that were rft.genre=book, this would work correctly.

    edit: please do pass that on. That's a lot easier to fix than writing a translator and will produce pretty good import
  • Yesterday I gave a presentation about Zotero at our University and some of the library staff approached me to try to solve this.They offered to contact the support of the library database program (libero).
    I've told them to change, if possible, that info: rft.genre=document
    to rft.genre=book.
    We'll tell how it goes on.
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