Record Number for first Display Field

I would like to export my Zotero library into a data management program. In order to successfully import the citations, a display of a "record number" should be set as the first "display field".

Is there a way to format the Zotero export with a record number as the first display field. The data management program works with Endnote, Reference Manager and Procite. When exporting, I choose the Endnote format, but it does not work correctly.

Thank you for your assistance!!
  • not easily, no. Depending on the format expected for the record number, it's likely possible, but it would take some javascript tweaking on your part. (presumably the record number needs to be unique; otherwise a simple search and replace on the RIS export might work.)

    Also, don't use the Endnote format. Try RIS instead -- I'm pretty sure that's what the software is actually looking for.
  • Thank you! I will try the RIS option!
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