Export JSON / BibLatex, italics within title field


In Zotero I can use the HTML tag "<i>...</i>" within the title field. Rendering in Word or OpenOffice will work as expected. When exporting items, the tag will be kept when using CSL JSON (which is fine), but things get weird when exporting to BibLatex.

An example. Here is the CSL JSON export:

"id": "*****",
"type": "article-journal",
"title": "<i>-chen</i> und <i>-lein</i>. Überlegungen zu Problemen des sprachgeographischen Befundes und seiner sprachhistorischen Deutung",
"container-title": "Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik",
"page": "2-27",
"volume": "54",
"issue": "1",
"author": [
"family": "Tiefenbach",
"given": "Heinrich"
"issued": {
"date-parts": [

And this is the same item, exported to BibLatex:

title = {\textit{-chen} und {\textless}i{\textgreater}-lein{\textless}/i{\textgreater}. Überlegungen zu Problemen des sprachgeographischen Befundes und seiner sprachhistorischen Deutung},
volume = {54},
pages = {2--27},
number = {1},
journaltitle = {Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik},
author = {Tiefenbach, Heinrich},
date = {1987}

This is getting problematic, of course, when using the exported bibliography with tools like Pandoc. The tag shouldn't be in the key (generated by Zotero), and the conversion in the title-field looks like a bug to me.

Any ideas?

- Matthias
  • yes, that looks like a bug in biblatex export. Note that it works correctly in bibtex (both issues). You could try if the biblatex export that ships with better bibtex works better.

    We'll try to fix this as soon as we can, but may take a little depending on how easily the relevant code from bibtex ports.
  • I just tried 'Better Bibtex' and, yes, that's indeed 'better': key and title are okay.

    - Matthias
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