Biblatex export : no journal titles

I am writing my thesis with Latex, and I use biber/biblatex for the bibliography. But when I export to biblatex from zotero, in the @article entries there are no journaltitle entries, whereas the name of the journal is correctly referenced in zotero. How do I get the journal titles in my biblatex file ?

Example of entry :
title = {Nuclear actin and myocardin-related transcription factors control disuse muscle atrophy through regulation of Srf activity},
volume = {127},
issn = {0021-9533, 1477-9137},
url = {},
doi = {10.1242/jcs.155911},
pages = {5157--5163},
number = {24},
author = {Collard, L. and Herledan, G. and Pincini, A. and Guerci, A. and Randrianarison-Huetz, V. and Sotiropoulos, A.},
urldate = {2015-01-16},
date = {2014-12-15},
langid = {english},

The journal name, Journal of Cell Science, is not written anywhere, why ?
  • Looks like that might happen if you have the "use short title" option checked and the journal doesn't have one in Zotero. Could that be it?

    Otherwise, any addons installed? Try disabling those for testing.
    Which Zotero version?
  • The bug that adamsmith describes above was just fixed. Update your translators via Preferences -> General -> Update Now and see if that resolves your problem.
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