Quick Copy

From the documentation:

"Simply select items in the center column and drag them into any text field. Zotero will automatically create a formatted bibliography for you."

That works.

"To copy citations instead of references, hold down Shift at the start of the drag."

That does not work. A null mouse pointer appears and nothing gets inserted.

This is with Zotero 4.0.28, LibreOffice 5.005 with the plugin successfully installed.
  • edited September 4, 2015
    which citation style? Which operating system?
    (also note that quick copy isn't equivalent to using the LibreOffice add-on, in case that wasn't clear. Zotero will not "remember" citations inserted via quick copy to later create bibliographies)
  • Windows 7. Chicago name-date.
  • Do the keyboard shortcuts to copy to clipboard (ctrl+shift+a and ctrl+shift+c) work? Does dragging to places other than Libre office.
    Have you tried changing the default style in the Export tab of the preferences?
    We'd want a debug ID for an attempt to shift+drag:
  • OK I fooled around randomly in the Export preference. Not sure exactly what I did -- I think changed the setting to something random and then back to the one I wanted (Chicago author-date).

    Now, both bibliography and citation work when dragging to, say, this text box in Firefox. The menu option "Edit-Copy Citation" also works. The keystrokes you specified work as well.

    Next I updated LibreOffice to latest version, just to be sure.

    The menu option "Edit-Copy Citation" and the hotkey works fine for inserting a citation. Shift-click-and-drag still does not work. Which is fine for me, since I have can use the menu shortcut, which I did not know before.
  • Debug ID is D113330622.
  • edited September 5, 2015
    If quick copy via drag&drop works in general but not to LibreOffice, that's an issue with LibreOffice. Its behavior with drag&drop has always been a bit weird. So yeah, if you don't really need it, we can leave this alone.
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