Library is not showing up

Sometimes, If I click a zotero collection, its not showing any papers stored there, rather it is showing a error message. I already submitted the error report. Report ID: 1840823738. If I restart zotero it works again fine. But this problem reappears, not very frequently, but it keeps coming and I have no clue how to reproduce it. It looks pretty much random. I am using zotero for more than one year. But this is a recent problem, I am facing, in approximately last one and half month. I am using zotero standalone version for browser chrome. My OS is Windows 8.1 64 bit.
  • Check your database integrity from the Advanced → Files and Folders pane of the Zotero preferences. Beyond that, see if it still happens with ZotFile disabled.

    Note, when trying to debug this, that the cause of this would be whatever you did immediately prior to clicking on the collection. The error itself is a safety check that occurs when something leaves things in an inconsistent state.
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