Installing Word Processor Plugins for Zotero


I cannot install the Word Processor Plugins for Mac. I get the following message (in French):
Safari ne parvient pas à ouvrir le fichier « Zotero-MacWord-Plugin-3.5.11-9.xpi » car aucune des applications disponibles ne peut l’ouvrir.

The translation: Safari cannot open the file « Zotero-MacWord-Plugin-3.5.11-9.xpi » because none of the available applications can open it.

What am I supposed to do?

  • If you're using Zotero Standalone, you don't need to (and shouldn't) install the word processor plugins. They're already included. You can reinstall them into your word processor from the Cite pane of the Zotero preferences if necessary.

    If you're using Zotero for Firefox, you need to install the plugin into Firefox, not Safari.
  • Thank you!
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