When you import / export bibtex type changes

First import to Zotero:

@online{ phys:moodle,
author = {Cherkasskii, V. S.},
title = {Klassnaya komnata},
howpublished = "Fizicheskii fakul'tet",
organization = "NGU",
year = 2012,
url = {http://www.phys.nsu.ru/moodle/},
urldate = "16.01.2012",
language = "russian"

We get the document of type webpage in Zotero
Now export it, we get:

title = {Klassnaya komnata},
url = {http://www.phys.nsu.ru/moodle/},
language = {russian},
author = {Cherkasskii, V. S.},
year = {2012},
note = {Published: Fizicheskii fakul'tet}
  • Zotero has a different database design than BibTeX.
    @online is not enumerated in BibTeXing, used in JabRef, used in popular BST styles, or used with any frequency in other BibTeX repositories.

    It *is* used by BibLaTeX & if you assign a reference as a webpage/blog post/forum post, it will export as @online. Seemingly no way to intelligently import it, though....
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