Export to mods, genre presentation

Hello forum,
I am curious about the mods-export of a presentation. I selected an entry with genre presentation and did the export.
I found that the lecturer and the contributor of the presentation are exported as shown below, the mods/name/role/roleTerm contains always ctb.

<name type="personal">
<namePart type="family">family-name</namePart>
<namePart type="given">given-name</namePart>

Greetings, Thomas
  • There are likely several Zotero roles that have the default mapping of contributor (ctb) when exported to MODS.

    I haven't looked through the MARC code list for relators in a while. Perhaps the lecturer can eventually be mapped to "pre" (presenter)? Any better fits in that list?
  • edited July 14, 2015
    I am not a native speaker, so it is hard to make up my mind.
    In http://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relaterm.html , I found:
    Presenter [pre] A person or organization mentioned in an “X presents” credit for moving image materials and who is associated with production, finance, or distribution in some way. A vanity credit; in early years, normally the head of a studio
    I think this is not the role of a lecturer. I believe, a lecturer is usually a kind of author.
  • It seems to me there may be no MARC role that is better than either 'ctb' or 'aut' then...

    I'm not sure if there are many MODS datasets with presentations we can look through, but we do change 'author' to 'presenter' and vice versa in the Zotero interface & perhaps having presenters export/import as 'aut' would be the lesser of two evils?
  • I see your point of you.

    The user interface of Zotero is addressing the requirements of the users. And the export of Zotero to mods has to consider the mods standard.
    From this point of view is having presenters export to mods as 'aut' would be the lesser of two evils - yes!
    Greetings - Thomas
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