Address bar icon in Zotero 4.0.27 for Firefox

In Zotero 4.0.27 for Firefox, the address bar icon and the "Create Web Page Item from Current Page" button have been combined into a single save button in the Firefox toolbar. See the announcement blog post for more details on the new buttons and ways to customize the layout to your liking.
  • But there are no small icons! I use zotero on the vertical toolbar addon and the new icon takes up too much width
  • herbgeek: See the blog post — that's what the icons should look like (and do in the standard location). For issues with other locations, see this thread.
  • Just here to comment on the new icons and to agree with herbgeek. The new Zotero icons are way too big and take up way too much room no matter which toolbar they sit in. I've placed them in every toolbar of my Firefox (top, bottom and side) and everywhere they sit they knock the bars, tabs and other icons out of position. I'm looking right now, with Zotero icons in the top bar, at tabs that are floating to the top with a giant dark space between them and the addressbar. When I mouse over the icons the space shrinks to normal, I mouse away and everything pops apart again. In the bottom, or add-on bar, they cause it to double in height. My only choice is to keep Zotero disabled until I think it's needed. (Firefox 38.0.5) This is distressing to someone who uses Firefox primarily because of the way Zotero used to integrate with the browser.
  • Once again, see the blog post for screenshots of what the new icons are supposed to look like. Obviously the icons are supposed to be the same size as all other toolbar icons, and if they're not for you, that's a bug. We believe we've fixed all cases of large icons with the standard Firefox locations and theme in (except for one non-default case on Linux), so if you're running and still seeing overly large icons, post to the relevant thread with a link to a screenshot showing the problem.
  • I found the updated version and installed. Things are better now as long as I use the "combo" icons on the bottom bar. The single "page" icon still knocks browser formatting slightly askew, but, as you say could be something I have coded in while perfecting the Firefox UI to suit my taste.

    Because you have helped me, my morning long pursuit of the answer to this specific dilemma was not in vain. Nothing, now, will spoil my happy. Thank you
  • OK, great. If you do notice problems with the separate save button, post to that thread with a screenshot link and we'll take a look. No guarantees that we'll be able to fix issues with every possible customization, but we'll do our best.
  • I'm using Firefox 39.0 with Zotero

    The combined zotero button works fine, but there's a problem with the separate "Z" and "Save" buttons: if I have multiple windows open and I poke the "Z" button, then the zotero pane always opens in the same window.

    Additionally, if I poke the "Save" button, the window in which the zotero pane opens is the thing that gets saved, regardless of which window I poke the "Save" button in. (If I use the "Save" drop-down menu to select a save method, then the correct information gets saved.)
  • djfiander: That should be fixed in, available now. Thanks for reporting.
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