Default setting for Wikipedia Citation Templates on

In the spirit of sensible defaults, it would seem sensible to set up a default rule as suggested by which uses the Wikipedia Citation Templates by default on domains.

There may be other sites where default rules make sense too, but Wikipedia today seems like the *most likely* place where a novice user would be putting formal citations in a Web editor.

Yes, it's configurable. That's great. This feature request is to "ship" with that site-specific rule as a default.
  • That's a good idea. Issue created.
  • edited June 4, 2015
    Wikipedia is not an uncommon website to just have open while writing, so if people are using QuickCopy for something else, this would cause some confusing behavior, since they never enabled this site-specific setting. It's not a bad idea, but it would be better if we could detect and enable this feature only when the edit/preview pages are open.

    Edit: also, I don't think having the setting pre-set helps the feature discoverability. I doubt most people would expect the site-specific quick-copy behavior to just work.
  • I agree it doesn't help for discoverability, but we do already give as an example in the site-specific settings dialog, so putting it in by default makes sense. But it's true that we'd need to limit it to edit pages.
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