Resize Zotero Panel


The Zotero Forums Search function seems to search all categories, so I'm not sure if this has already been posted under the Sync Preview category.

With the latest version of sync preview, I'm finding that once I expand the Zotero panel by dragging the top of it upward I can no longer compress the panel by dragging its top downward. Instead, I have to click the X and close the panel. If I reopen Zotero, the panel is enlarged. There seems to be no way to return the panel to a smaller size.

BTW, a great enhancement would be (a) allowing the user to close and reopen any of the panes in the Zotero panel, as this would give more real estate to the task at hand, and/or (b) to float the panes independently (with a keep-on-top option) of the Zotero panel. For example, all those retrograde professors who post papers on their web sites that are incompatible with Zotero make us enter reference information into Zotero manually. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to detach just the right-hand data entry pane and float it on top of your pdf viewer where you can transcribe the bibliographic information easily? This might actually solve the resizing problem in that the detachable panes could use the native windowing system (via Ajax or via opening new Firefox windows).
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