synchronization between My Library and Group Library

Hallo I find this in my standalone Zotero ( for Windows):

If I drag an item from some collection in My Library and drop in another collection in My Library, than these two items are still only one record and changes in one item is showed correctly in second item.
But if I drag this item and drop it in Group Library than the changes in one Library will not showed in second Library.

And the second detection: I drag and drop an item from My Library to Group Library and than I change some information in Group Library e.g. date. If I drag this changed item from Group Library and drop it back in My Library, the item is not changed (changes have been forgotten) - it is still the same as an original record from My Library and I cannot put it into the same collection as an original item.

I think that it is not standard behavior, or is it?
  • yes, that's all currently intended Zotero behavior. The second part will hopefully improve sooner rather than later to make updating items between libraries easier.
    The first part is rather tricky, since it's not at all clear what the optimal behavior here would even be.
  • For me is the best behavior one record - a lot of views (in local library and also i group group). If I want to have two different records for one document, I can duplicate this item. Yes thats true, that in group libraries can other users change this record and in some cases it is not good change. For this purpose the admin/owner of group library should have a log and restoration tools.
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