In-text citations "explode" in codes


Recently the in-text citations in my article on MS Word has been exploding in lines of codes. It happens especially when I renew the bibliography. Zotero doesn't report this as an error, but it's becoming a serious issue as the citations "explode" more frequently. Today I saw 20 of them explode.
Would there be any quick solution? I'm close to submitting this article.
  • Press Alt+F9 to toggle field codes. We're not aware of Zotero itself being able to toggle field codes, but it may possibly happen if something gets interrupted. (or, I think, if you use the Undo function in Word after performing a Zotero action). If this keeps recurring and you can figure out some steps to reproduce, please let us know.
  • Hi, Thanks for your quick response! This solution does not work. This is a huge problem -- if I open a current manuscript, for example, 30-40 of the citations are in this "expanded" mode with all of the biographic detail appearing in the text. It makes the manuscript unusable.
    Thanks for your further help, -- David.
    David Collier
    Robson Professor
    University of California, Berkeley
  • Can you reproduce this in a new document? Are all citations in the document this way or just some of them? Could you post one of the citations including one word preceding and following it? If you right-click the text inside the "exploded" citation, what options do you have available in the context menu?
  • Also, are you on Mac or Windows? Which version of Word and Zotero are you running?
  • This happens most frequently for me when I am using Track Changes. If you are using that feature, try accepting all of the changes, which should hide the codes again.
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