Rename Imported Files

Hi there,

yes, I know there are already a lot of topics concerning renaming files. But I've not found my question or answer. I was using BibDesk and now I want to give Zotero a try, because I love open source software and I love to be independant from the operating system.

But BibDesk has a wonderful feature and I cannot figure out, if Zotero is also able to do so:

I configured BibDesk this way that when I attach a file to an entry, it renames not only the filename but builds some directories. E.g. I've got an article from a proceedings, then BibDesk does the following:
i) create directory 'inproceedings' (bibtex-type of entry)
ii) create directory '<author01><author02><author03>' (last name of first author - and second and third, if they exists)
iii) moves the file in there with Year-Title

Is it possible to configure Zotero to use this way of creating/moving/renaming, too?

This is how I think with my references and how my mental model works.

Thanks a lot and have a great day
(HU Berlin)
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