Biblatex is printing a 5 digit number when converting to pdf and "1 Edition" instead of 1st

I use Zotero to export to a .bib file.

I am using Emacs Org-Mode to export to pdf. I get a five digit number printing out in the references like the 00005 below.

The other thing it is doing is printing (1 edition) instead of (1st).

Is there any way to stop those five digit numbers numbers and print the Edition correctly.

Below is cut and pasted from the Tex Stack Exchange. It is a little easier to read at this URL:


Schneier, B., (2004, January), Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World (1 edition), 00005, New York: Wiley.

My .bib file looks like this. I think Zotero is putting the numbers in all the "note = ".

address = {New York},
edition = {1 edition},
title = {Secrets and {Lies}: {Digital} {Security} in a {Networked} {World}},
isbn = {9780471253112},
shorttitle = {Secrets and {Lies}},
abstract = {Bestselling author Bruce Schneier offers his expert guidance on achieving security on a networkInternationally recognized computer security expert Bruce Schneier offers a practical, straightforward guide to achieving security throughout computer networks. Schneier uses his extensive field experience with his own clients to dispel the myths that often mislead IT managers as they try to build secure systems. This practical guide provides readers with a better understanding of why protecting information is harder in the digital world, what they need to know to protect digital information, how to assess business and corporate security needs, and much more.* Walks the reader through the real choices they have now for digital security and how to pick and choose the right one to meet their business needs* Explains what cryptography can and can't do in achieving digital security},
language = {English},
publisher = {Wiley},
author = {Schneier, Bruce},
month = jan,
year = {2004},
note = {00005}

So the cause of the problem is the note = {00005}. Oddly it doesn't happen with pandoc to .odt from the command line. Only with the .pdf export.

The relevant bit of my .org file.

#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[british]{babel}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{csquotes}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[backend=biber,style=apa,url=true, doi=false, isbn=false, eprint=false, maxbibnames=10, maxcitenames=3,language=british]{biblatex}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \DeclareLanguageMapping{british}{british-apa}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \bibliography{/home/felixdz/Dropbox/bibliography/references}

How do I stop the five digit numbers from printing?
  • Not sure why that's a Zotero question? I think you can exclude fields (in this case note) from printing in biber bibliographies or by modifying the .bst, but that's really a question for tex.stackexchange.

    (the note is most likely the result of using the google scholar citation add-on for Zotero, FWIW).
  • oh and it's printing 1 edition because that's in your Zotero data.
  • I just figured out the "1 Edition" is coming from the Amazon import. So I'll have to do some kind of 'find and replace' on those.
  • It seems the five digit Number is coming from the "Extra Field" in Zotero.

    Is there any way I can empty all of the Extra Fields, or do I need to do it manually?

    Is there any way I can stop it being populated whenever I make a new citation in Zotero or again will I have to do it manually.

    Personally I see this as a bug. Why is the Extra field being populated when I add a citation?
  • You can look at this:
    though it's a bit involved.

    As I say (perhaps not very clearly) above, I'm pretty sure the 0005 in the extra field is coming from the Google Scholar Citations for Zotero add-on:, which you would have to have installed.

    Generally, book import from Amazon isn't of the greatest quality. I'd use library catalogs wherever possible. Particularly if you want to use APA style, you'll also want to make sure you titles are in sentence case in Zotero:
  • Thanks. I'll have a look.

    At this point I only have about 260 citations. I think I can fix them manually in a worst case, then just be careful to check when importing new citations.

    I think we can call this solved.
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