citation problem


I do not understand and cannot manage to correct the problem.

When I want to insert a citation which contains more than author in word, zotero does show"... et al..." However, as soon as validate my choice, word displays all the authors.

Can you please explain me how to correc the problem??

Thank you.

  • et al is set by the citation style. Which are you using?
  • Hello adamsmith,

    I am using APA
  • APA style manual says to list up to five authors the first time a work is cited, so unless it's doing something different, this is working correctly for you (the citations in the add-on always appear in the same form, regardless of the citation style).
  • I apologize, you were right. The second time, it mentions " al...".

    I know this is a different subject but I have read many things about it and I still haven't found a solution to my other problem. I am using zotero a lot to write my essays on MSWORD. For an unknown reason, the total of word mentioned in the bottom left corner of my screen is not correct. I have read that you need to use ctrl+Shift+G to get the real count. It's a solution but it does not fix the problem and it represents a waste of time.

    Any suggestion.

    Thank you.
  • No, sorry, there's nothing much Zotero can do about that. Word, for whatever reason, has decided to count words in fields (which would also be cross-references) as part of the total word count.
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