Error: Format Unsupported

I currently have all of my data in a setup. I would like to import this data into Zotero Standalone. Everytime I try a suitable file format, Zotero states it is unsupported.

Does anyone else have this issue?

I have uninstalled and reinstalled a few times, hoping it was a glitch in the installation. However, that has not bore fruit.

Please help!
  • What format(s) have you tried?
  • Hi Adam,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I have tried Endnote, RIS, ISI, and BibTex. Knowing some of these are unsupported I tried them anyway, after receiving discouraging feedback.

  • edited April 14, 2015
    OK, let's focus on bibtex, which is probably the most robust of these:
    copy the section in yellow below to your clipboard and see if it imports via "Import from Clipboard". If it does, we'll want to look at the specific files you tried from RefBase. If it doesn't, try resetting translators from the advanced tab of the Zotero preferences and try again.

    title = {The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success},
    volume = {40},
    issn = {1552-3829},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1177/0010414006286542},
    language = {en-US},
    number = {3},
    urldate = {2010-07-26},
    journal = {Comparative Political Studies},
    author = {Campbell, John L. and Pedersen, Ove K.},
    month = mar,
    year = {2007},
    pages = {307--332}
  • BibTeX, Endnote (xls), and RIS should work.

    How are you going about importing?

    Maybe there is something amiss about the structure of the RefBase export file. It could help the experts here if you would copy two records from the exported file and post them to a forum message.
  • (to avoid confusion: what DWL said would be the next step if you're able to import the bibtex above)
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