How to: API Read Request the right way

Hi there

I am trying to get a request (just via the browser as I need an URL for the dedicated tool) to the Zotero API running.
For example an easy request like my Groups works:

But when I try to get further e.g. with a private key or so it seems like its not allowed as of "Forbidden":

What am I doing/getting wrong by the documentation?

I just want to get a response for e.g. like this:

Help is really appreciated.

Thanks in advance
  • Those URL don't include a key. While you shouldn't post your key here, it should be in any API call to a private library. You can get a sample api call using the atom feed button at the left of the online view of your library or any collection/tag view of your library.
  • Thanks!

    Means I messed with "non-public libraries".

    Which Format also delivers the attached URI or the comment to an item?
    Or do I have to define it myself?
  • you mean a bibliography format? attached URLs and Notes aren't included in bibliographies--they aren't in Desktop Zotero, either. You'd have to grab them from the item information returned from the API and then handle the additional formatting on your side.
  • so, I got it right in the end.
    Thanks and enjoy.
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