Quick copy export translator HTML code

Hi, I've made a small translator wich allows me to quick copy notes and outputs a link to the zotero item, ie:

<a href='zotero://select/items/0_J7EC3GNA'><i>Estructura y Agencia: Malinowski</i></a>

Where the text is extracted from the first line of the note. And if I drag a different type of Item i get a formated link with the item.title property.

Now, when I use it on the note editor, I get HTML code pasted, is there any way I can use this without having to open the HTML source editor?
  • Haven't tested this, but do you have "Copy as HTML" selected under Preferences -> Export?
  • I tryed that but the checkbox shows up greyed out. I think because what I´ve made is an export translator. Is there any way to change this behaviour?
  • Ah, right. I'm afraid currently there's no way you can export what you want as HTML. We'll see if this can change in the future.
  • Thanks for your help!
  • Maybe, Zutilo is interesting for you, where it is possible to "Copy select item links". I don't know if you can adapt it to your use case.
  • I took a look at it some time ago but I had some issues. I had problems when trying to copy an independent note (I use them a lot), and when I copied "normal" items what I got was the zotero:// URL wich I could paste on the browser or use within zotero notes. But what I want to achieve is that when I copy the item/link and paste it I have not just the URL but a properly formated hyperlink (name/description+url) for pasting. The idea is that when I write a note and want to reference another note from within the text I could do that easily. Right now I can do that with this translator but I have to copy/paste it (ore drag&drop it) in the HTML source editor window. Its no big deal, but I wanted to see if I could make it even simpler. My aim is to also use Zotero as a limited wiki or Zettelkasten so I don´t need to use another piece of software. Anyway I will take a look at it again, I rekon I didn´t spend much time with it.
  • I've managed to solve the copying as HTML using autohotkey as indicated in:


    Now when I paste in word or any other software it is pasted as HTML and all links work properly. The problem is when I paste this in Zotero´s editor, all zotero protocol urls are getting erased:

    <!-- Begin Cita ZK --><a href="zotero://report/items/0_X7I4G5GT/html/report.html" title="A new history of anthropology ">(Kuklick 2008)</a> <a href='zotero://select/items/0_X7I4G5GT'>(Zotero)</a> <a href='http://zotero.org/users/933006/items/X7I4G5GT'>;(Website)</a> <a href='zotero://open-pdf/0_8JXBMSBB/1'>(pp 1)</a><!-- End Cita ZK -->

    Gets pasted as:

    <p><a title="A new history of anthropology
    ">(Kuklick 2008)</a> <a>(Zotero)</a> <a href="http://zotero.org/users/933006/items/X7I4G5GT">(Website)</a> <a>(pp 1)</a></p>

    Any suggestions?
  • edited March 15, 2015
    One clarification, links in word that have zotero://select do work ok when zotero is running but zotero://report and zotero://open-pdf are not. Anyway this is a different issue, my main problem is for this to work inside Zotero´s editor.
  • The problem of pasting zotero:// links into notes should be fixed in the latest 4.0 Beta. The fix will be included in 4.0.27.
  • Excellent news!! Thanks!!
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