Style Request: "Tropical Animal Health and Production"

Hello I'm looking for the CSL for Tropical Animal Health and Production, from Springer publisher. These are the styles requested by the journal:

• For journal articles:
Ahl, A.S., 1986. The role of vibrissae in behaviour: a status review, Veterinary Research Communications, 10, 245--268
• For books:
Fox, J.G., Cohen, B.J. and Lowe, F.M., 1984. Laboratory Animal Medicine, (Academic Press, London)
• For a paper in published symposia proceedings or a chapter in multi-author books:
Lowe, K.F. and Hamilton, B.A., 1986. Dairy pastures in the Australian tropics and subtropics. In: G.T. Murtagh and R.M. Jones (eds), Proceedings of the 3rd Australian conference on tropical pastures, Rockhampton, 1985, (Tropical Grassland Society of Australia, St. Lucia; Occasional Publication 3), 68--79
• For unpublished theses, memoranda etc:
Crowther, J., 1980. Karst water studies and environment in West Malaysia, (unpublished PhD thesis, University of Hull)
• For Online documents:
Doe J. Title of subordinate document. In: The dictionary of substances and their effects. Royal Society of Chemistry. 1999. of subordinate document. Accessed 15 Jan 1999
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