Libreoffice citation failure

Just updated my LibreOffice to the new, which is, by the way, really nice, no complaints there, but when I attempt to insert a citation or bibliography, the tab flips me to the Zotero window without popping up the red citation insert bar, and I can't seem to update it.
  • I am also having trouble that may be related. If I startup LibreOffice Writer and Zotero Standalone fresh, it appears to work. But if I do something that is in error, like try to edit a citation but not have the LibreOffice Writer cursor on a citation in the document, all hell breaks loose. To continue working on the document it appears I have to shut both programs down, kill a lingering process of Zotero Standalone and start them both up fresh again.

    I enabled debug output logging in Zotero Standalone and keep getting messages indicating that an operation like:

    [I put cursor in LibreOffice Writer somewhere in the document that is not on a citation, and click Zotero Standalone menu icon to edit a citation.]

    1. (3)(+0000000): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Sending 111 ["Document_displayAlert",[8,"You must place the cursor in a Zotero citation to edit it.",0,0]]

    [Get no feedback from within LibreOffice Writer as I described above]

    2. (3)(+0071209): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Connection received

    [I click Zotero plugin menu icon to add a citation.]

    3. (3)(+0000001): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: 22 bytes available

    4. (3)(+0000000): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Read 0 "editCitation"

    5. (3)(+0000000): Integration: Request already in progress; not executing OpenOffice editCitation

    I added the line numbering. On line 1 it appears Zotero Standalone tried to send LibreOffice Writer an alert of some kind. LibreOffice Writer briefly acted like something had occurred by having the frame of the LibreOffice Writer sort of refresh very quickly. But, no window popped or anything within LibreOffice Writer indicating this message that Zotero Standalone tried to send. It's as if a modal window was supposed to be created by LibreOffice and it didn't work. No window was rendered, so I couldn't click "okay" or whatever, no something is in a state of limbo either in LibreOffice writer, the Zotero plugin, and/or Zotero Standalone. So now the Zotero plugin inside of LibreOffice Writer won't allow any more interactions with the Zotero Standalone. Line 5 gives some support for this idea.

    If I continue to try to use the Zotero plugin for LibreOffice Writer at this point, I continue to get messages like:

    [I click Zotero plugin menu icon to insert another citation]

    6. (3)(+0712474): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: 21 bytes available

    7. (3)(+0000001): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Read 0 "addCitation"

    8. (3)(+0000000): Integration: Request already in progress; not executing OpenOffice addCitation

    [I click Zotero plugin menu icon to edit bibliography]

    9. (3)(+0012434): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: 26 bytes available

    10. (3)(+0000000): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Read 0 "editBibliography"

    11. (3)(+0000000): Integration: Request already in progress; not executing OpenOffice editBibliography

    I have no idea how Zotero Standalone nor LibreOffice are designed under the hood, so my explanation is almost certainly incorrect. But it is my humble attempt to try to describe the behavior.

    It appears I have to shut both LibreOffice Writer and Zotero Standalone down in order to get back to a workable state. Also, Zotero Standalone will not shutdown cleanly. I have to go the task manager and kill the Zotero Standalone process. It's as though the Zotero Standalone process is waiting for some communication between LibreOffice Writer and Zotero Standalone to finish and commit or something like that, but because of the broken communication, it never finishes, so it just hangs.

    This is on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.

    Thank your for reading this post. I hope it helps.
  • edited November 6, 2014
    I am experiencing this same issue on my Mac running Yosemite 10.10, OpenOffice Beta 4.1.0, and Zotero 4.0.23. It may also be related to two other issues which I will also mention.

    (Issue 1)
    If I try to insert a bibliography in a scanned odt file, I get the following Zotero output:
    zotero(3)(+0000000): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Sending 6 ["Document_displayAlert",[1,"You must insert a citation before performing this operation.",0,0]]

    If I try again, I get this output:
    zotero(3)(+0000009): Integration: Request already in progress; not executing OpenOffice addBibliography

    I then have to restart Zotero. Otherwise, I get that same message each time.

    (Issue 2)
    When I do not have debugging turned on, Zotero crashes every time I try to scan an odt file. The crash always happens after I choose which file to scan. Sometimes it crashes before I choose where to save the output file, sometimes it crashes as I am choosing where to save the output file. The passage of time does not seem to affect when the crash occurs.

    I have tried replacing each citation in multiple documents. I have rebuilt the index. I have checked the database integrity (it is fine). I have even exported Zotero, removed and reinstalled Zotero, imported the old library, and replaced all of the citations.

    I was planning on using Zotero to write my dissertation, as it really is the best tool for the job, but this issue has made me think otherwise. Please help return my confidence in this amazing tool!

    (Issue 3)
    I use the ZotFile addon, version 3.1, to add attachment, rename, and move them to a new directory. This used to function without any problems. Now, when I right click a reference of any type (book, book section, journal article, etc.) and choose "Attach new file," I get the following popup: "Selected item is either an attachment, a note, or a collection." I wonder if this gives some insight into the problems above? Full text of the debug output is below.

    The full output of each command is below:

    Issue 1 - Choosing an odt file to scan:
    2014-11-05 13:50:25.446 zotero-bin[88471:1911616] plugin com.getdropbox.dropbox.garcon interrupted
    2014-11-05 13:50:25.446 zotero-bin[88471:1910197] plugin com.getdropbox.dropbox.garcon interrupted
    2014-11-05 13:50:25.447 zotero-bin[88471:1911539] Unable to setup extension context - error: Couldn’t communicate with a helper application.

    Issue 2 - Choosing where to save the scanned odt output file (Never crashes when I have debug output turned on, and there is zero output on the terminal with debug turned on. Not even an acknowledgement of a process completed or in progress. Nada.)

    Insert Bibliography:
    zotero(3)(+0010504): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Connection received

    zotero(3)(+0000001): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: 25 bytes available

    zotero(3)(+0000001): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Read 0 "addBibliography"

    zotero(3)(+0000001): Integration: Instantiating;1 for command addBibliography

    zotero(3)(+0000001): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Sending 1 ["Application_getActiveDocument",[3]]

    zotero(3)(+0000004): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: 13 bytes available

    zotero(3)(+0000000): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Read 1 [3,2]

    zotero(3)(+0000001): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Sending 2 ["Document_getDocumentData",[2]]

    zotero(3)(+0000001): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: 10 bytes available

    zotero(3)(+0000000): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Read 2 ""

    zotero(3)(+0000001): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Sending 3 ["Document_getFields",[2,"ReferenceMark"]]

    zotero(3)(+0000001): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: 18 bytes available

    zotero(3)(+0000000): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Read 3 [[],[],[]]

    zotero(3)(+0000000): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Sending 4 ["Document_getFields",[2,"ReferenceMark"]]

    zotero(3)(+0000001): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: 18 bytes available

    zotero(3)(+0000000): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Read 4 [[],[],[]]

    zotero(3)(+0000001): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Sending 5 ["Document_activate",[2]]

    zotero(3)(+0000020): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: 12 bytes available

    zotero(3)(+0000000): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Read 5 null

    zotero(3)(+0000001): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Sending 6 ["Document_displayAlert",[2,"You must insert a citation before performing this operation.",0,0]]

    Second (and additional) attempts to insert bibliography:
    zotero(3)(+0031851): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Connection received

    zotero(3)(+0000002): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: 25 bytes available

    zotero(3)(+0000000): ZoteroOpenOfficeIntegration: Read 0 "addBibliography"

    zotero(3)(+0000009): Integration: Request already in progress; not executing OpenOffice addBibliography

    Issue 3 - Adding attachments using ZotFile:
    This is debug output from simply right clicking an entry. This was a book reference.
    ^[zotero(3)(+0117111): Viewing item in pane 0

    zotero(3)(+0000000): Refreshing item box

    zotero(3)(+0000008): DATE: retrieved with algorithms: {"order":"y","year":2014}

    zotero(5)(+0000007): SELECT creatorID, creatorTypeID, orderIndex FROM itemCreators WHERE itemID=? ORDER BY orderIndex

    zotero(5)(+0000000): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 4890

    zotero(5)(+0000000): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM creators WHERE creatorID=?

    zotero(5)(+0000000): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 13698

    zotero(5)(+0000000): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM creators WHERE creatorID=?

    zotero(5)(+0000000): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 13699

    zotero(3)(+0000000): Loading data for creator 13698 in Zotero.Creator.load()

    zotero(5)(+0000000): SELECT C.*, CD.* FROM creators C NATURAL JOIN creatorData CD WHERE creatorID=?

    zotero(5)(+0000001): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 13698

    zotero(3)(+0000005): Loading data for creator 13699 in Zotero.Creator.load()

    zotero(5)(+0000000): SELECT C.*, CD.* FROM creators C NATURAL JOIN creatorData CD WHERE creatorID=?

    zotero(5)(+0000000): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 13699

    zotero(5)(+0000005): SELECT IA.itemID FROM itemAttachments IA NATURAL JOIN items I LEFT JOIN itemData ID ON (IA.itemID=ID.itemID AND fieldID=1) LEFT JOIN itemDataValues IDV ON (ID.valueID=IDV.valueID) WHERE sourceItemID=? AND linkMode NOT IN (?) AND IA.itemID NOT IN (SELECT itemID FROM deletedItems) ORDER BY mimeType='application/pdf' DESC, value=? DESC, dateAdded ASC

    zotero(5)(+0000000): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 4890

    zotero(5)(+0000000): Binding parameter 2 of type int: 3

    zotero(5)(+0000000): Binding parameter 3 of type string: ""

    zotero(3)(+0000000): No arguments provided to Items.get()

    zotero(5)(+0000000): SELECT A.itemID, value AS title FROM itemAttachments A NATURAL JOIN items I LEFT JOIN itemData ID ON (fieldID=110 AND A.itemID=ID.itemID) LEFT JOIN itemDataValues IDV ON (ID.valueID=IDV.valueID) WHERE sourceItemID=? AND A.itemID NOT IN (SELECT itemID FROM deletedItems)

    zotero(5)(+0000001): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 4890

    zotero(5)(+0000000): SELECT IA.itemID FROM itemAttachments IA NATURAL JOIN items I LEFT JOIN itemData ID ON (IA.itemID=ID.itemID AND fieldID=1) LEFT JOIN itemDataValues IDV ON (ID.valueID=IDV.valueID) WHERE sourceItemID=? AND linkMode NOT IN (?) AND IA.itemID NOT IN (SELECT itemID FROM deletedItems) ORDER BY mimeType='application/pdf' DESC, value=? DESC, dateAdded ASC

    zotero(5)(+0000000): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 4890

    zotero(5)(+0000000): Binding parameter 2 of type int: 3

    zotero(5)(+0000000): Binding parameter 3 of type string: ""

    zotero(3)(+0000000): No arguments provided to Items.get()

    [At this point, the previous 5 lines repeat 3 more times, with no difference between them, character for character.]

    This is the output for trying to attach a file using ZotFile, after right clicking the reference entry:
    zotero(4)(+0001132): Registering observer for [item] in notifier with hash Cl'
  • edited November 5, 2014
    I am also having problem trying to insert a citation. I'm using ubuntu 14.04, libreoffice Version: Build ID: 420m0(Build:2).
    When I open the document and insert a citation for the first time, everything goes well. Trying to insert a second citation (and on) gives the error below. If I close Zotero standalone/firefox/chrome (I tried them all) and open a new zotero session, the citation will insert the first time, but not the second time. It always gives the following error.

    Zotero experienced an error updating your document.

    An error occurred communicating with Zotero: End of content node doesn't have the proper start node
    at Method)
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy14.createTextCursorByRange(Unknown Source)
    'An error occurred communicating with Zotero: End of content node doesn't have the proper start node
    at Method)
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy14.createTextCursorByRange(Unknown Source)
    ' when calling method: [zoteroIntegrationField::setCode]
  • @dgorla - please start a new thread. Your error is almost certainly different. Also, please confirm your exact Zotero version there.
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