Webpage style for multiple trasnportation and environmental engineering journals

I've noticed small errors in the citation style for item type 'Webpage' for multiple journals, described below.

1. 'Environmental Science and Technology': the period after webpage name seems to be missing. In below example, shouldn't there be a period after the words "Standards"?
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Heavy-Duty Highway Compression-Ignition Engines And Urban Buses -- Exhaust Emission Standards http://www.epa.gov/otaq/standards/heavy-duty/hdci-exhaust.htm (accessed Nov 21, 2013).

2. 'Journal of Air and Waste Management Association': Period after author name (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) is missing:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Heavy-Duty Highway Compression-Ignition Engines And Urban Buses -- Exhaust Emission Standards. http://www.epa.gov/otaq/standards/heavy-duty/hdci-exhaust.htm (accessed November 21, 2013).

3. 'Transportation Research Record': There is a comma and space at the end, which should not be:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Heavy-Duty Highway Compression-Ignition Engines And Urban Buses -- Exhaust Emission Standards. http://www.epa.gov/otaq/standards/heavy-duty/hdci-exhaust.htm. Accessed Nov. 21, 2013, .

4. 'Transportation Research Part D': What is that "n.d" after the Author name?
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Heavy-Duty Highway Compression-Ignition Engines And Urban Buses -- Exhaust Emission Standards [WWW Document]. URL http://www.epa.gov/otaq/standards/heavy-duty/hdci-exhaust.htm (accessed 11.21.13).
  • I'll take a look. I'll be faster if you can track down either the suggested citation for a webpage or an example of one cited in an article for each of those four.
    (n.d. stands for "no date").
  • Adam, thanks. I can certainly add examples from the journal style guide or a published paper. I'll be back :)
  • Adam, I ended up looking at the CSL styles and would like to take a shot at fixing these issues myself (and then update the online versions). How does the system ensure what I update has not broken other things? I'll post the information you requested in any case.
  • You should validate your final product:
    but for checking that you haven't changed/broken the citation format for other item types there is no alternative to checking the output, probably easiest in the test pane
  • 2 and 3 are now fixed. I couldn't find any documentation on 1 and 4, so leaving them as is.
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