Crashing application when merging two duplicated items

Hi. I've just started working with Zotero 4 and when importing my EndNote X6 library. I noticed some duplicated items. I decided to merge two repeated journal papers, but Zotero crashed and provided the error Report ID: 2043689338. Nothing special about those two items, just two repeated papers I didn't notice I have before. No idea how that happened.

Perhaps someone could suggest what additional information I should gather and provide?

  • Thanks for reporting this. It looks like this is a new bug in 4.0.14 when trying to merge duplicate items if you haven't synced before. I've fixed it in the latest 4.0 Branch dev XPI, which you can use if you have Firefox. (Zotero for Firefox will share your existing data directory by default — you just need to close Standalone to use it.) We'll put out a 4.0.15 soon that will include this fix.
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