Quoting from Ancient Documents

Hi, I am wanting to quote from the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" which is (a) an ancient document and thanks to the marvels of modern technology (b) totally represented on the Vatican's website.

I've used "document" as the entity in Zotero and I am wondering if in the title of the document I enter something like "Catechism of the Catholic Church - The institution of the Eucharist" or if I use "Catechism of the Catholic Church" in the document title and then enter "The Institution of the Eucharist" as an extract title?

Essentially the question is, how do you use the "extract" field in the "document" type.

An ancillary question is of course, is there a better entry to use?
  • use manuscript, not document for better results.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "extract" field? Do you mean abstract? extra? extract doesn't exists, at least not in the English version of Zotero.
  • Yes I did mean "abstract" sorry. It was late night my time! I will have a look at manuscript tonight when I hunker down for more homework...
  • yeah, you don't want to use the abstract field for that. Just put the whole title - "Catechism of the Catholic Church - The institution of the Eucharist" - into the title field.
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