Citation Request - Reproduction

I would like to use Zotero to insert my references and bibliography in a paper that will be submitted to Reproduction. Below are their requirements:

In the text

Cite references in the text using the authors’ names and publication year. Use et al. for articles with more than two authors. Where there are several citations, list them in chronological order.

In the reference list

List references in alphabetical order. Give articles by the same author in the order:

Single author
Two authors alphabetically according to the name of the second author
Three or more authors chronologically, with a, b and c etc. for articles published in the same year, in the order in which they are cited in the text.

List a maximum of ten authors. Where there are more than ten authors, list the first ten and then use et al.

Reference in the following format:

Kelly RW, King AE & Critchley HOD 2001 Cytokine control in human endometrium. Reproduction121 3–19.

Byskov AG & Hoyer PE 1994 Embryology of mammalian gonads and ducts. In The Physiology of Reproduction, edn 5, pp 75–86. Eds E Knobil and JD Neill. New York: Raven Press.
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