[MLZ] Can you suppress short-form (id.) on an individual basis?

This is the situation: I have a MLZ-embedded citation in one footnote, followed by a hard-entered citation. (i.e., I hard-typed the citation in the footnote). In the third footnote, I cited to the first reference again. MLZ not recognizing the second, hard-typed citation, formatted the third citation in short-form, using "id.".

Can you suppress short-form (id.) on an individual basis in a situation like this?
  • MLZ (or Zotero) needs to have access to the intervening hand-coded citation for backreferences to work correctly. You would need to enter the intervening citation in the usual way, from an MLZ item, and then edit it to show the correct form.
  • Actually, this is the situation:

    1. Citation 1 (entered with plugin)
    2. Citation 2 (hand coded)
    3. Citation 1

    Citation 1 in Footnote 3 will show up as "id." because MLZ is not aware of the intervening, non-coded Citation 2. I'd like to suppress the short-form in Footnote 3 only.
  • Yes, we're on the same page. Citation 2 needs to be entered as an (arbitrary) item, and then be fixed to look the way you want it. That way the citation process will be able to see that an intervening citation exists, and the backreference will work correctly.
  • Oh, I see. I take that there is no way to suppress Footnote 3 from showing up as short-form then. Maybe I should create a "ghost" item to use as a placeholder in a situation like this. Thanks.
  • Yes, that's the way to go. It's a little awkward, but providing an override on the "id" form would make things even more confusing, since later in the editing process (or when text is reused) we might forget that it was set that way.
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