Chicago Manual Issues

I'm having difficulty finding the correct Chicago manual style and implementing it effectively. I need to use an endnote Chicago style for the journal "American Indian Quarterly." An example is below:

"1. Garrick Mallery, “A Calendar of the Dakota Nation,” U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey Bulletin 3, no. 1 (1877): 3– 25.
For a summary of the major literature, see Candace S. Greene, “Art until 1900,” in Handbook of North American Indians, Plains, vol. 13, pt. 2, ed. R. DeMallie (Washington dc: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2001), 1039– 54.

2. Here and elsewhere I use the terms “art” and “artist” as a convenient gloss for the production of visual representations without implying any value judgment on the quality of the result. Th e Kiowa word guat is used for drawing but also for a book or any form of writing. See Gus Palmer, Jr., “Kiowa Glossary and
Guide to Pronunciation,” in One Hundred Summers: A Kiowa Calendar Record, ed. Candace S. Greene (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2009), 196.

3. Luke Lassiter, Th e Power of Kiowa Song (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1998), 7."

I use zotero standalone and the word ad on. Currently, none of the Chicago styles have worked for me. None of them will create endnotes. Most place the citation in the body of the text, and its not even the full citation. I can get the "Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (note)" style to create footnotes for me which I can transfer into endnotes, but they are abbreviated citations, not full citations.

I've searched existing forum threads to no avail.

Any instruction would be most appreciated.

  • you want the Chicago Full Note style.

    How are you inserting citations exactly?
  • I select the button 'zotero insert citation.' I was using the APA format originally, and this worked fine.
  • and what happens when you switch to Chicago (full note)?
  • It will put a citation in the body of the text, not as a footnote or endnote, such as:

    Honor is “a business ethic associated with accountability; acting with transparency; integrity in all relationships including your investors…and your community” Mary Jane Loustel, “Entrepreneurship: A Journey of Economic Self-Determination” (Master of Arts, University of Manitoba, 2011), 36..
  • that's not working correctly then, the style should always insert a footnote/endnote depending on the settings. You're saying the regular note style works? How about if you use that, then switch to the full note one?
  • If I choose regular style, then full note, it will create correct footnotes now. This is a great step as I can always change footnotes to endnotes in word.

    When I try to then create a full note with endnotes, its sends me an error "object has been deleted."
  • provide an error report ID after triggering that error, please:
  • 1149596399
  • @Dan, Simon - what's that say?

    @bryang - could you confirm for me that when you start a fresh document an insert a citation in Chicago Full Note that it appear correctly as a footnotes?
  • Yes, starting a fresh document, it works fine.
  • [JavaScript Error: "Object has been deleted." {file: ".\zoteroWinWordDocument.cpp" line: 0}]
    Simon might have some suggestions, but you can try the Debugging Broken Documents steps. That's helped people for this error before.
  • Thanks for all of the help so far, Adam!

    Dan, I will try to fix this broken document.
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