Removing DOI from American Medical Association Style

I have been tweaking CSL for American Medical Association style. I can't figure out how to get rid of DOI, although I see forum posts on how to do this for other styles.

removing DOI from APA is explained here:

and from MHRA here:
  • it really depends on what you want precisely, but you can just delete
    <text prefix=" " macro="access" suffix="."/>
    if you don't want URLs or DOIs ever.
  • I am new to using Zotero. I need to use American Medical Association style citations. What are you using to accomplish this?

    Thank you, Ellen
  • not sure what you're asking, but you can find & install the American Medical Association style (and many others) on
  • Thank you that is exactly what I needed. I found it by using the link you provided. If I didn't have your help, how would I have found it from the Zotero home page?
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