APA Style

Hi! I use Zotero in order to insert citations and reference list in APA style. Although it works with English references, it seems to incorrectly correspond to Greek references. Any ideas why this happens and how could be overlapped?
  • could you specify "incorrect"?
  • For example, when a reference is cited, instead of using the first letter of the referred author (eg. Ματσαγγούρας, Η. ), the citation is formed by including the whole name (eg. Ματσαγγούρας, Ηλίας)
  • indeed. I'll pass that on, that looks like a bug - an odd one at that as it works correctly for kyrilic. Anything else?
  • Yes, please, 3 things:
    1. What type of source would allow a report to have the form below?
    OECD (2011), Education Policy Advice for Greece (in italics), Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education, OECD Publishing.
    Actually, this is how the specific report suits with the APA styling. I cannot find the source type in Zotero that allows italics for the first part of the title (as mentioned in brackets). Also, I cannot find a source type that includes the DOI number in such kind of references.

    2. How can I insert source data in Zotero that refer to a translated text? According to APA style such a reference should follow the form as indexed below?

    Real Academia Espaliola. (2001). Diccionario de la lengua espaflola [Dictionary of
    the Spanish languagel (22nd ed.). Madrid, Spain: Author.

    3. How can I add elements in written reference that are included in Zotero frame but are not showen when the reference is inserted in a word document (eg. the element Short title in Book as type of source)!
  • 1. isn't possible. I've never seen non-italicized sub-titles in any citation style, so I'd be surprised if that were actually an APA requirement.
    Generally, ou should enter this as a report. We currently don't have DOI fields for many item types, they'll be added in the not-too-distand future.

    2. There's no field for translated titles in Zotero. If this is important to you, have a look at the MLZ fork:
    the hope is to get this into Zotero eventually, but that won't be any time soon.

    3. I don't understand. Could you provide a more specific example?
  • Example on 3rd question: I am filling in the details of a book in Zotero. I am filling in the element Short title, but this element is not showen on the reference citation.
  • why should it be shown? Short title is not a component of an APA citation. It's used, e.g. in subsequent footnotes in Chicago Manual of Style.
  • I was wondered if there is such a possibility in order to be able to insert non italics sub-titles or translated titles in brackets and non-italics.
  • I've extended the Greek characters recognised in the processor -- not sure where I picked up the narrower set from. You can test the changes by installing (in Firefox only) the processor patch plugin. It can (and should) be removed at the next Zotero release.
  • doesn't work for me yet with 1.0.129
  • Does not work for me either.
  • Oops, I missed the regexp for initials.

    We should slow down for a moment, though. How does name ordering work in Greek? Should Greek names be handled in the same way as other West European names? Or are they normally family-name-first (sort order)?

    If that checks out, I or someone will need to dig into the Unicode tables for the capital letter sequences for Greek (and maybe Coptic, if it follows the same name conventions).
  • Although APA instructions are not very detailed with non-english and translated references I think is fine to use the west european word ordering for hellenic (greek) names.
    In anyway, thnx to take the effort to due all this ;).
  • I've put up what might be a better fix. Try installing or re-installing the patch plugin and see how it goes.
  • works for me now, though zoyiap is in a better position to test this, of course.
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