Bibliography instert and generating problems

Please someone help me on this one. Using zotero the first time, I just spent the last few days typing 43 pages of items for the bibliography. I thought I did everything alright and carefully.

However, when I tried to generate and insert the bibliography, there were all kinds of mistakes. I checked the original data entry and there were no mistakes there. So why or how do I correct the mistakes. For example, one entry appeared twice in the bibliography in Word 2007 doc, one item was missing and then there is a --------- line instead of the last name of the author. Anyone know why all these problems?

I tried entering only 2 or 3 pages at a time and the same errors appeared.

I have no idea how to fix this or what is causing the problem. Big disappointment.

I appreciate any advice.

Best regards, TS
  • This is an example of the errors:

    Adler, Nancy, and R. Doktor. 1986. “‘From the Atlantic to the Pacific Century: Cross-Cultural Management Reviewed’.” Journal of Management (12)2: 295–318.
    Adler, Nancy J, Robert Doktor, and S Gordon Redding. 1986. “From the Atlantic to the Pacific Century: Cross-cultural Management Reviewed.” Journal of Management 12 (2): 295–318.
    Adler, P.S. 1998. “Beyond Cultural Identity: Reflections on Cultural and Multicultural Man.” In Intercultural Communication: A Reader, edited by L. Samovar and R. Porter, 225–245. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub. Co.
    Alexander, Nadja. 2008. “The Mediation Metamodel: Understanding Practice.” Conflict Resolution Quarterly 26 (1): 97–123.
    Alexander, Nadja Marie. 2006. Global Trends in Mediation. Kluwer Law International.
    ———. 2009. International and Comparative Mediation: Legal Perspectives. Kluwer Law International.
  • So Adler was added again in a slightly different format and there is a ------ instead of a last name, etc..

  • the item appears twice because you added it twice to the document - you can select both versions in Zotero and right-click --> "merge items" to turn it into one - and the three em-dashes are required in Chicago (author-date) style (cf. CMoS 15.17).

    In general you should make an effort to have the same author in the same format across entries as you'll see a number of small issues otherwise.
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