Style request: Landes Bioscience publications (Cell Cycle, Autophagy, etc.)

I can not find the right citation style for these journals.. Please help. Perhaps same style is used by another journal? Thank you very much!

More info on style:

Copied from the link above:

Please use "et al." after listing the first six authors. Do not use "et al." if there are less than six authors.

The list of references should be numbered consecutively according to the first time mentioned within the article. Cite only the number assigned to the reference.

Journal References

The reference format is the same for all of our journals. You may download the output style for Cell Cycle from Endnotes.
Abbreviate journal names according to the style used in Index Medicus or a comparable source and omit punctuation after journal titles. Spell out foreign or less commonly known journal names.

[Author's last name] [Author's initials], [First six author's last names followed by their initials]. [Title of article with only the first word capitalized]. [Journal's standard abbreviated name] [Year]; [Volume]:[Inclusive pages].

For Example:
Moore GL, Chen H, Karki S, Lazar GA. Engineered Fc variant antibodies with enhanced ability to recruit complement and mediate effector functions. mAbs 2010; 2:181-9.

Abrams SL, Steelman LS, Shelton JG, Wong EWT, Chappell WH, Basecke J, et al. The Raf/MEK/ERK pathway can govern drug resistance, apoptosis and sensitivity to targeted therapy. Cell Cycle 2010; 9:1781-91.

Plank C, Oberhauser B, Mechtler K, Koch C, Wagner E. The influence of endosome-disruptive peptides on gene transfer using synthetic virus-like gene transfer systems. J Biol Chem 1994; 269:12918-24.

Kotzamanis G, Abdulrazzak H, Gifford-Garner J, Haussecker PL, Cheung W, Grillot-Courvalin C, et al. CFTR expression from a BAC carrying the complete human gene and associated regulatory elements. J Cell Mol Med 2009; 13:2938-48.
  • try a couple of the styles that have "Vancouver" in the title and also check American Medical Association. This is very similar at a minimum.
  • Thanks a lot, some of them may be close enough!
  • The style is now up as "Laneds Bioscience Journals". It will appear on the style repository within 30mins.. (See here if you need instructions for installing styles in standalone.)

    Any problems please let us know.

    We'll try to add the individual journal names as dependent styles.
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