Citation style request - Frontier in Optics style

Hi everyone,

I need a citation style that looks exactly like the one in this template:

The closest I could find was the style "SPIE journals", but that always adds the doi code and also has some additional numbers that I don't understand.

I think it should be easy to amend this style, but to be honest, I have no clue about how to do this.

Thank you very much for your help. It is greatly appreciated. If you get this done by Monday I like you even more ;-)

(Paper deadline).


  • that's not going to happen that fast. I do still code styles on request, but it's not anywhere close to the top of my list of priorities, so it takes 2-8 weeks typically.
    You can see if you're able to adjust SPIE according to your needs using:
  • Thanks for your quick reply.

    The style will be useful whenever you get to do it, as many OSA conferences use this template now (and these conferences happen every year).

    I'll try to fiddle with the styles editor and come up with a solution myself, but I'm not promising anything as this is my first time ;-)
  • edited July 28, 2013
    The style is now up. It will appear on the style repository within 30mins.. (See here if you need instructions for installing styles in standalone.)

    Any problems let us know.
  • Dear adamsmith,

    Thanks a million. I've done some initial checks and your style for Frontiers in Optics looks awesome!

    Thanks again. I'll do some more detailed comparisons, but it looks great so far.
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